Tuesday, April 2, 2019

4 April Fool’s Day Pranks That Actually Went Horribly Wrong

It’s April Fools’ Day today and trusting people on this day is a risky thing, TBH! Pranks are fun, especially when you’re the one executing it. But a lot of times, they can go horribly wrong. And what happens when an official organisation pranks on a mass level? Well, read on to find out some of the craziest pranks that got a serious and negative response.

1. Release your favourite criminal by voting for them

This prank took place in 2015 in the UK. The Manchester Police Department tweeted a rather offensive tweet which they thought would be funny and it read,

Know someone in prison? You can get them released early by voting for them on here. The prisoners with the most votes also wins a holiday.

Well, let’s just say this prank didn’t get the response it was expecting, for obvious reasons. Some of the parents had children who were murdered by the prisoners imprisoned in Manchester. One such victim’s father even called it a ‘slap in the face’.

2. Don’t Drink The Water

In 2002, Kansas City DJs Johnny Dare and Murphy Wells cautioned their audiences that their drinking water had been tested to have high levels of ‘dihydrogen monoxide’. But if you read and understand it carefully, dihydrogen monoxide is nothing but the chemical term for H2O. So, we guess they weren’t really lying in any way. But this prank had a huge effect on the people and more than 150 of the listeners called up the water department to file a complaint. This caused one of the water officials to term the prank as a ‘terrorist act’.

3. The Aliens Have Arrived

When a newspaper puts out fake news as a prank, a lot of people tend to fall for it, no matter how ridiculous the news sounds. And this is exactly what happened in Al-Jafr, a small city in Jordan. The Al Ghad newspaper published a piece of shocking news that an alien spacecraft had landed nearby and people really took it seriously.

The mayor talked about this prank and said,

Students didn’t go to school, their parents were frightened and I almost evacuated the town’s 13,000 residents. People were scared that aliens would attack them.

4. The End Is Coming

What’s worse than a newspaper pranking you? A science museum pranking you! William Castellini, a spokesperson of the renowned Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia, delivered a rather ridiculous and scary release in 1940 which read,

Your worst fears that the world will end are confirmed by astronomers of Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. Scientists predict that the world will end at 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time tomorrow. This is no April Fool’s joke.

The spokesperson was fired for this prank which caused a panic in the area. The prank was actually just a promotion for an upcoming planetarium show on cosmic apocalypses.

Which one of these pranks do you think was the craziest? Let us know in the comments below.

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The post 4 April Fool’s Day Pranks That Actually Went Horribly Wrong is copyright of MissMalini.

from MissMalini https://ift.tt/2VcStPY

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