Monday, October 1, 2018

Kellyanne Conway Was Sexually Assaulted

Kellyanne Conway went on CNN to do her typical ducking and weaving Sunday.

While Jake Tapper pressed her on SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh‘s problematic, lie-filled testimony, Kellyanne did the full Kellyanne until about minute 11:00.

Video: Someone Mashed Up Kavanaugh & Pulp Fiction

That’s when something changed. She said:

“I feel very empathetic, frankly, for victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment and rape.”

She then took a beat, cleared her throat, and said:

“I’m a victim of sexual assault.”

Wow. Even Kellyanne has a #MeToo story. But she charged right through, into:

“I don’t expect Judge Kavanaugh or Jake Tapper or Jeff Flake or anybody to be held responsible for that. You have to be responsible for your own conduct.”

Wait, WHAT??

Like Jake told her immediately after, we too are so sorry this happened to her.

But is she saying NO ONE should be held responsible for sexual assaults?

First off, lawmakers and judges ARE responsible for doing everything they can to prevent crimes like sexual assaults. That means Kavanaugh and Flake.

Second, no one is trying to hold Kavanaugh responsible for an act he didn’t commit. There is a very credible allegation that HE DID THIS.

We all watched it.

To say you believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford when she says she was attacked, but you don’t think it was Kavanaugh means YOU DON’T BELIEVE HER — because she said with “100%” certainty it was him.

You cannot have this both ways.

You can’t be upset for the victims of sexual assault and somehow not think it’s appropriate to seek justice.

We just don’t understand how someone who was a victim of this can defend this man. Not to mention Donald Trump

The post Kellyanne Conway Was Sexually Assaulted appeared first on Perez Hilton.

from Perez Hilton

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