Friday, January 31, 2020

Jordan Davis Never Expected to Be a 'Girl Dad' — but Now He Can't Imagine Life Any Other Way

From the moment he first found out he was going to be a dad, “Slow Dance in a Parking Lot” singer Jordan Davis was sure he and wife Kristen were going to have a boy. In fact, Kristen’s due date inched closer, Davis spent much of his time dreaming of all of the places he and his son would go and things they would do.

He was ready for a boy. But then, he got a girl — and everything was different.

“The second you see her, you know your life has forever changed,” Davis, 31, tells PEOPLE regarding his 10-week-old daughter Eloise, who was born in Nashville on Nov. 17. “It’s just this crazy feeling that all dads know. She came out and I just completely lost it. I’m definitely a girl dad. I just love the hell out of her.”

“She slept 11 hours last night,” Davis adds proudly. “She’s been great. She really has been a good sleeper since day one.”

Too good to be true, right? Well, sort of.

“Let’s just say she is great at night,” Davis says with a laugh. “We have definitely had some tough days. We have this bouncy ball thing and if she wasn’t being bounced, she wasn’t happy. There is not a lot of napping during the day.”

RELATED: It’s a Girl! Jordan Davis and Wife Kristen Welcome Daughter Eloise Larkin

Luckily, the new mom and dad had some time to get used to their new schedule before Davis — who snagged back-to-back No. 1 hits with “Singles You Up” and “Take It from Me” off his debut album Home State — headed off on his Trouble Town Tour, which ends in Baltimore on March 21.

“We certainly didn’t do it on purpose, but we certainly couldn’t have picked a better time to have a baby,” Davis says. “We had family come in over the holidays and I got to spend five straight weeks at home. I can’t imagine what it would have been like if I hadn’t had that time.”

View this post on Instagram “French Market on a Tuesday”…As National Champs…Moving a little slow today, but had a awesome couple of days in New Orleans seeing family and friends…And watching @lsufootball put a bow on an amazing season…GEAUX TIGERS

A post shared by J O R D A N D A V I S (@jordandavisofficial) on Jan 14, 2020 at 1:31pm PST


And while the mere act of climbing up into that tour bus to travel to another tour stop will now come with a sense of melancholy for Davis, the Louisiana native admits that he has been itching to get back on the stage he loves.

“You get to missing playing music and being out on the road,” says Davis, who currently has stars-in-the-making Kassi Ashton and Hailey Whitters out on tour with him. “I mean, it’s our job. Even if it’s sad to leave, you have to step back and be thankful that this is what you get to do for a living.”

And while Davis is used to being a superstar on stage, he says the real star — when it comes to parenting — will always be wife Kristen.

RELATED: Celebrities Celebrate Being a ‘Girl Dad’ in Honor of Kobe Bryant’s Love for His Daughters

“It’s almost like it happens overnight and it blows my mind,” says Davis of his wife, whom he married in 2017 and who is a practicing attorney. “All of a sudden, you look at your wife and she becomes this amazing mom right before your eyes.”

And while Davis says his wife plans to go back to work, he realizes that it only means he will have more time to spend with his little girl, who already loves playing her daddy’s beard.

“Since she has been born, the beard has been in the prime danger zone,” laughs Davis, who collaborated with Julia Michaels on “Cool Anymore.” “She’s always reaching up and grabbing it. I’ve lost a good amount of beard to that grabber. We have a couple of dogs and she will get scared when they bark and next thing you know, she will just grab a fist full of my beard.”

View this post on Instagram Landed in Nashville from Vegas and the bus was waiting at the airport to take us to Lexington for a show tonight…Walked on the bus, and the wife surprised me with about 10 minutes of hang time with this little one before we hit the road…Pretty awesome 🙏

A post shared by J O R D A N D A V I S (@jordandavisofficial) on Dec 10, 2019 at 11:15am PST


All in all, Davis knows well that he finds himself at this moment of pure bliss — one that comes when your personal life is just as amazing as your professional one.

“It really is the perfect storm,” he says. “I’m super blessed and thankful. We are really having the time of our lives.”


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