Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Relive The Most Awkward Celebrity Interviews!

They say getting any movie made is a small miracle, but think about what comes after…

The press junket is filled with jet lag, repetition, differences in energy, boring questions, unskilled interviewers… frankly it’s a small miracle getting a good interview!

But among all the mediocre chats, some stand out as truly awkward, leading stars to storm off, people to apologize, even for audience members to forever change how they see a star!

Ch-ch-check out the oddest, ickiest, most cringeworthy celeb interviews (below)!

RDJ Walks Out

Robert Downey Jr. doesn’t take crap from anyone these days.

In this infamous 2015 interview, Channel 4‘s Krishnan Guru-Murthy for no discernible reason changes the subject from Avengers: Age Of Ultron to RDJ’s past drug abuse and public embarrassments.

RDJ first was visibly shaken, trying to keep on track, smiling and promoting his Marvel movie. But as he got more upset, something changed — it just seems like it suddenly hit the movie star he didn’t owe this guy anything. Because he smiled, said “bye,” and walked away.

Later he spoke about the interview with Howard Stern, calling the British journo (who also has very awkward interviews with Quentin Tarantino and Richard Ayoade out there) a “bottom-feeding muckraker” and saying he wished he’d left even earlier:

“What I have to do in the future is… give myself permission to say, ‘That is more than likely a syphilitic parasite, and I need to distance myself from this clown.’ Otherwise, I’m probably going to put hands on somebody, and then there’s a real story.”


Cara Delevingne Deadpans

In a satellite interview about her movie Paper TownsCara Delevingne got some serious friction from the hosts of CBS Sacramento. First one asked if she’d ever read the book, to which she sarcastically responded:

“Uh, no. I never read the book or the script. I kind of winged it.”

They didn’t like her attitude — and frankly were somewhat condescending to the model-turning-actress from the start. One of the morning hosts, who seemed like this was the first time they’d ever experienced a satellite delay, even jabbed at the star’s low energy, asking her if she was “exhausted,” saying patronizingly:

“We’ll let you go then, how about that? We’ll let you go and take a nap and maybe have a Red Bull.”


After the interview went viral, Cara responded by tweeting:

“Some people just don’t understand sarcasm or the British sense of humour.”

Yeah, their humour is even spelled differently. LOLz!

Matt Lauer Gets Glib

Who can forget this classic?

Tom Cruise was just trying to plug his big blockbuster War of the Worlds, and instead Matt Lauer pressed him on his views (and the official position of the Church of Scientology) on psychiatry and pharmaceuticals.

It goes from a morning show interview to a debate to an argument in no time flat, with Tom calling out Matt as “glib” about the subject.

Funny how time changes things.

14 years later, only one of these men is completely unemployable and disgraced… and it is NOT Tom Cruise.

Dakota Calls Out Ellen

Ellen DeGeneres always complains to guests about being left out and not invited to parties… but this time her guest didn’t bite.

Instead Dakota Johnson pointed out the host had pulled the same wounded act on her the previous year, and she’d made sure to invite her this time — and the host didn’t show up! Ellen finally admitted she now remembers, and it was too far from her house (read: an hour away). So rare to see Ellen called out like that! And that was how the interview BEGAN!


Jesse Eisenberg Negs?

In this super uncomfortable interview from the Now You See Me press tour, Jesse Eisenberg nonstop ribs a young interviewer named Romina Puga for her odd questions and awkward style.

Viewers suggested he may actually have been trying to flirt with her, but in a real “negging” way. After all, she’s kind of playfully jabbing at him too, early on. But the longer it goes the smaller she looks, even telling him she’s going to go cry. Though we don’t know whether to take her seriously or not…

AFTER the interview, however, she wrote a post on her blog titled “Jesse Eisenberg isn’t very nice.”

When asked about the negative attention from the interview, Jesse told Junkee he doesn’t read his own press because of something mean he read when he was 19.

Christoph Claps Back

Christoph Waltz is a perfect gentleman — usually. But Good Morning Britain‘s Charlotte Hawkins asked him a question so rude, he just had to break out some sass. Basically, she asked him if it was foolish to take a role in a James Bond movie after having won two Oscars. He replied he actually weighed whether it was a smart move to do this morning talk show considering he had won two Oscars. SNAP!


[Image via TODAY/Ellen/Channel 4/YouTube.]

The post Relive The Most Awkward Celebrity Interviews! appeared first on Perez Hilton.

from Perez Hilton

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