Thursday, May 31, 2018

Watch Sarah Huckabee Sanders Tear Up While BSing A Child About Gun Reform!

What's that we see on Sarah Huckabee Sanders' face? Is it a hint of... emotion!??

Donald Trump's regularly robotic Press Secretary got an unusual case of misty eyes during Wednesday's briefing when responding to a child's question about school safety.

A boy attending the briefing as a reporter for his elementary school said that he and his fellow students had recently undergone a lockdown drill and worry that a shooting will strike at their school.

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After the boy asked Huck what the administration was doing "to prevent these senseless tragedies," well… she bullshitted through her teeth as usual. But this time, we think a little piece of her died on the inside.

Watch the clip (below) to see Huck get teary eyed in front of the kid reporter.

Here's her full response:

"I think that as a kid and certainly as a parent there is nothing that could be more terrifying for a kid to go to school and not feel safe. So I'm sorry that you feel that way. This administration takes it seriously, and the school safety commission that the president convened is meeting this week. Again, an official meeting to discuss the best ways forward and how we can do every single thing within our power to protect kids in our schools and to make kids feel safe and to make their parents feel good about dropping them off."

A nice sentiment. But given the fact that this administration's biggest solution to prevent school shootings is to arm teachers with guns, we don't think they're much concerned about making kids and parents feel safer.

Huck knows that better then most -- hence her tears!

[Image via CNN.]

from PerezHilton

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